
Common Name(s): Kukulava and Kulava (Fiji); Dillenia (India); Kendikara and Simpur jangkang (Indonesia); Phao and San kham (Laos); Mai-masan, Thabyu and Zinbyum (Myanmar); Dillenia and Majongga (Papua New Guinea); Katmon and Katmon-layugan (Philippines); Kapuchu and Mudi (Soloman Islands); Godapura (Sri Lanka); and Masan, San, San-Na and Tamasi (Thailand).

Scientific Name: Dillenia spp. (Dilleniaceae

Distribution: Throughout the tropics worldwide

Janka Hardness: 800

Color/Appearance: The sapwood is lighter in color and merges gradually into the heartwood, which is red-brown, sometimes with a purplish tinge and darkens on exposure.

Grain/Texture: Texture is coarse and uneven, with straight to shallowly interlocked grain.

Workability: It is fairly easy to resaw and cross-cut. Planing is easy to fairly easy and the planed surface produced is smooth.

Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Common Uses: The timber has an attractive silver figure and is suitable for decorative works, plywood, interior finishing, panelling, mouldings, joinery, cabinet making, flooring, furniture and ornamental items. It is also suitable for posts, beams, joists, door and window frames and sills, railway sleepers, staircase (tread, stringer, apron lining, carriage, newel and riser), vehicle bodies (planking), ship and boat building (general planking).