Beach calophyllum, Bintago

Common Name(s) : Bitangor; Penaga (Malaysia); Bitangur (Indonesia); Vintanina (Madagascar); Damanu (Fiji); Island cedar; Kalofilum; Bush calophyllum (PNG); Gwarogwaro; Guoria; Oleole; Ba’ula (Solomon Is); Canoe tree (Andaman Islands); Galba; Galaba (West Indies); Poon (India, Myanmar”); Kathing (Thailand); Cong (Vietnam)

Scientific Name: Calophyllum inophyllum L.

Distribution: Madagascar, inlands of the Indian Ocean , India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Indo-China, Thailand, Taiwan and the Ryukyu islands, throughout Melanesia, and the Pacific Islands

Janka Hardness: 750

Color/Appearance: Sapwood, yellow-brown with a pink tinge and well defined from the heart wood, which is red-brown, pink-brown or orange-brown.

Grain/Texture: Interlocked grain. Grain is interlocked, wavy or irregular, producing streaky or ribbon figure (pattern) on the radial face. Back-sawn boards commonly produce a zigzag figure (pattern)

Moderately coarse (finer than that of other Calophyllum species.

Workability: It is fairly easy to resaw and cross-cut. Planing is easy to fairly easy and the planed surface produced is smooth.

Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Common Uses: General construction, flooring, framing, plywood, Decorative Cabinet work., Mouldings, Joinery, Panelling, Turnery, Veneer, Boat building (ribs, masts, spars, oars and canoes).