Common Name(s): Telajin; Malayan kapur; Kapur ranggi; Kapur peringgi; Kapur bukit; Kapur biasa; Kapor; Kajoe kapoer; Hajoe hapoer; Borneo camphorwood; Anggi; Kapur barus (Sabah); Kapur (Indonesia); Kapur-kejatan (Malaysia); Indonesian kapur (United Kingdom); Indonesian kapur (United States of America); Petanang (Indonesia); Borneo camphorwood paigie (Sabah); Swamp kapur (Sabah); Keladan (Malaysia); Kapur singkel (Indonesia); Kapur (Sarawak); Indonesisk kapur (Sweden); Kapoer (Netherlands); Indonesische kapur (Germany); Kapur (Malaysia); Kapur (Sabah); Capur indonesiano (Spain)

Scientific Name: Dryobalanops sumatrensis

Distribution: Southeast Asia (also grown on plantations throughout tropics)

Janka Hardness: 1230

Color/Appearance: The heartwood is reddish brown and clearly demarcated from the pale sapwood.

Grain/Texture: The wood is fairly coarse textured but uniform. In general, the wood resembles keruing (Dipterocarpus), but on the whole, kapur is straighter grained and not quite as coarse in texture.

Workability: The wood works fairly well with hand and machine tools, blunting of cutters may be severe, particularly when machining dry wood because of silica content. Slight gumming may take place during sawing. Nails and screws well. Wet wood will stain in the presence of iron. Glue lines reported not durable in exterior plywood bonded with phenolic adhesives.

Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Common Uses: Heavy construction work, furniture components, flooring, cores and backs of plywood (glues well with urea formaldehyde), boat framing, joinery.